May 04, 2023



A positive pregnancy result can trigger a range of emotions for a new expectant mother where in addition to the thrill of embarking on a new journey in life, there are many women who also feel anxious and uneasy about the numerous changes that they will experience however, a few simple measures can help women enjoy a more comfortable pregnancy and alleviate any worries. Many women mistakenly assume that pregnancy entails numerous restrictions whereas in reality, there are few limitations on what one can and cannot do while pregnant.

Tips for pregnant women to manage common pregnancy symptoms, stay comfortable in your third trimester 

The third trimester of pregnancy is a time when a lot of women experience physical discomfort and from difficulty sleeping to backache, staying comfortable during the last trimester can be a significant challenge. In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr Geeth Monnappa, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist at SPARSH Hospital shared a few tips to manage them:

Managing Heartburn

Heartburn is a common discomfort experienced by pregnant women during the first trimester and in the last month of pregnancy. However, there are some useful tips that can alleviate the symptoms. It is recommended to avoid spicy, fatty, and citrus foods that can trigger heartburn. Sitting upright after a meal can help prevent the reflux of food into the esophagus. Additionally, having an early dinner and engaging in physical activity after meals can aid digestion and reduce heartburn. These simple measures can help pregnant women manage heartburn and have a more comfortable pregnancy experience.

Frequent urination

Frequent urination is a common occurrence during the early months of pregnancy when the uterus presses against the bladder, and in the last month when the baby's head descends into the pelvis. However, it is important to consult an obstetrician to rule out a urine infection that can also cause frequent urination.

Backache in pregnancy

During pregnancy, the body goes through several changes, one of which is the relaxation of joints and connective tissue that support the bones. This can lead to aches and pains, particularly in the back. However, there are several tips that can help alleviate the discomfort. It is recommended to use chairs with good back support to maintain a proper posture. Wearing good and stable footwear can also help distribute the body's weight evenly and reduce the stress on the back. Additionally, engaging in regular exercise can help strengthen the muscles and improve flexibility, ultimately reducing the chances of experiencing backache during pregnancy.

Braxton Hicks contractions

As the due date approaches, you may encounter irregular cramps in the lower abdomen that do not last long. These are known as Braxton Hicks contractions. Try taking a mild walk, move your position, take a relaxing bath, and drink good amounts of water. Also, let your healthcare provider know about the contractions.

Dealing with anxiety

As you are nearing your due date, it is common for pregnant women to experience anxiety about the delivery process. It is advisable to discuss childbirth, birth companion, and pain relief options with a doctor. Talking to other women who have had positive experiences can also be helpful, and it's essential to maintain a positive attitude. Regular consultations with an obstetrician, taking prenatal vitamins, getting immunizations, and undergoing ultrasounds are crucial for a safe and healthy pregnancy journey. These measures can help alleviate anxiety and ensure a smooth and comfortable pregnancy experience.

Adding to the list of tips, Dr Janani Manoharan, Gynaecologist and Obstetrician, Infertility Specialist, Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgeon at Belenus Champion Hospital in Bangalore, suggested:

1. Hydration - During this time, the uterus puts pressure on the bladder causing you to pass urine more frequently, which will unconsciously lead you to reduce your fluid intake. I suggest my patients drink water from a particular bottle throughout the day, so they would have an accountable fluid intake. Drink to thirst, at least 2-3 L/day.

2. Activity- Get in more steps. Do kegel exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles. Take the stairs, as much as possible.

3. Breathe - Breathing exercises help with strengthening your abdominal and pelvic floor muscles. It also does wonders in getting you through labor pains. Look up YouTube videos on breathing techniques during labor and practice them.

4. Diet - The third trimester is notorious for increasing heartburn. This is because the stomach is pushed up further into your chest by your growing uterus. To avoid heart burns, have small frequent meals, reduce the spice level of your foods. Increase your intake of uncooked foods like veggies and fruits in the form of salads, smoothies, juices. Do not go all out and eat for two, excessive weight gain and decreased calorie intake, both are detrimental to your baby. When in doubt speak to your ObGyn.

5. Doctor visits - Be up to date with your tests and health checks. Discuss with your ObGyn the process of labor and what to expect. Ask all of your labor questions, remember no question is too silly. Get the right information from the right source, your ObGyn.

6. Baby movements - Make sure your baby is moving a minimum of 10 times a day. Never hesitate to visit your ObGyn if you are doubtful about your baby movements.

7. Social media- Stay away from the million labor groups on social media, unless you are there only to have fun. Never let social media get you more anxious. Every pregnancy is different and it's only for you and your ObGyn to take informed decisions regarding your pregnancy.

8. Family - Try to get in quality time with your partner coz it's no secret that once the baby gets here, time will always be elusive.

Last but not the least, relax and enjoy your pregnancy. Women have been giving birth since forever and modern medicine can do unimaginable wonders, with this knowledge, be at peace. Enjoy your time with your baby inside of you. You got this.

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