May 02, 2023

Vitamin B12: Deficiency of 2-3 micrograms of this vitamin can damage major organs of the body; know more

In the absence of vitamin B12, neurological system of the body suffers a hit:

One of the essential nutrients, vitamin B12 is required by the body to perform several important functions ranging from formation of red blood cells to DNA synthesis.

Ideally, an adult human being requires 2-3 mcg of this vitamin on a regular basis.

In this article we will explore what are the possible outcomes when our body lacks this particular vitamin.

Vitamin B12 and its impact on heart:

Low levels of vitamin B12 is known to cause fast heart rate.

Anemia, induced by the deficiency of vitamin B12, puts enormous pressure on the heart to push more volume of blood and consequently the heart beats faster than normal.

Vitamin B12 helps breakdown homocysteine, higher levels of which are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Homocysteine affects the normal functioning of blood vessels and these elements grow in the absence of vitamin B12. However studies have not found a direct relation between vitamin B12 and heart diseases.

Vitamin B12 and oral health:

Lack of vitamin B12 affects oral health to a large extent.

Mouth ulcers and swollen tongue are associated with lack of vitamin B12.

Another classic sign of vitamin B12 deficiency which is seen in the mouth is an unexplained burning sensation.

Vitamin B12 and cognitive health:

Vitamin B12 leads to cognitive issues like difficulty in thinking and reasoning.

Studies have linked the lack of vitamin B12 with the onset of mental health issues like Alzheimer’s disease, vascular dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.

Vitamin B12 and limbs:

Tingling sensation in hands and feet, which feels like pins and needles, is a classic sign of vitamin B12 deficiency. Since vitamin B12 is crucial for the nervous system, its absence can cause problems in nerve conduction.

Lack of vitamin B12 rips the nerves off myelin, a protective covering that is synthesized in the presence of this vitamin. Not having myelin coating damages the nerves which further disturbs the transmission of sensations. This effect is more commonly seen in the nerves of hands and feet.

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