Detoxifying and stimulating the liver is essential for maintaining optimal digestion and overall health. Yoga offers a great way to achieve this through specific postures that massage this vital organ, bringing vitality and wellness to the entire system.
Himalayan Siddhaa Akshar, Yoga and Spiritual Leader, Founder, Akshar Yoga Institutions says, “The liver plays a crucial role in filtering wastes, toxins, and carcinogens from the body, making it a key component for a healthy and efficient human anatomy. By practicing the following five yoga poses regularly, you can support your liver's function and maintain a clean and healthy organ”.
Start by standing in Samasthithi with your feet together. Exhale and gently bend your upper body, dropping your head while keeping your shoulders and neck relaxed. Focus on moving your torso from the hip joints rather than the waist. Hold your big toes, inhale, and look up as you straighten your arms. Exhale and fold forward, aiming to keep your legs and knees straight. Beginners may need to bend their knees slightly, gradually working towards straightening them with practice. Repeat this asana regularly to experience its benefits.
Lie down on your back, bend your knees, and place your feet on the floor. Pull your feet towards your pelvis. Stretch your arms over the floor beside your body and grip your ankles with your palms. Slowly lift your pelvis and back off the floor, forming a gentle arch in your back as you try to touch your chest with your chin. Gaze towards the sky while maintaining the pose.
Lie down on your back and lift both your upper and lower body to balance on your sitting bones. Your toes should be aligned with your eyes, and your knees and back should remain straight. Keep your arms parallel to the ground and pointing forward. Tighten your abdominal muscles and straighten your back. Inhale and exhale normally as you hold the pose.
With your arms by your sides, maintain a straight posture. Put your pelvis over your heels by bending your knees. Make sure your feet stay level on the ground. You have two options for making a prayer: either lay your hands on the ground at your feet or unite them in front of your chest. Keep your spine straight throughout the stance.
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