August 11, 2023


The mother wound is usually passed on from one generation to another. It usually consists of guilt, shame and pain that the mothers carry due to generations and societal stereotypes. Mothers play an important role in developing the coping mechanisms of the children. The sense of self-worth and self-trust also develops shadowing the behaviors that mothers show. This unconscious pain and shame are passed on, and we try to adapt to the mother wound and make it our own. 

"This pain negatively impacts how they relate with the world, and most importantly, how they perceive and relate to themselves. Now for the good news: it is absolutely possible to get on a healing journey. When you tend to the original injury of a mother wound, you can begin to trust the process of life and trust yourself," wrote Psychotherapist Terri Cole as she explained the symptoms of mother wound and the way we can address them.

Terri further noted down the symptoms of the mother wound and how it shows up in daily life:

Terminally broken: The feeling that we are not in place and that chronically we are broken emotionally and mentally can have a huge impact on the way we treat our children and life in general

Deep, primal fear: The prime fear of rejection and being judged often makes us not seek the things we want in life and chase our dreams.

Self-sabotage: In this process of guilt, shame and no self-worth, we end up self-sabotaging our career and passion.

Boundaries: The sense of setting boundaries is shaken, and we end up setting disordered boundaries that end up hurting us.

Sense of self: We feel unclear about who we are what purpose we have – this makes us have a confused sense of self.

Emotional awareness: The mother wound shows up in lack of emotional awareness and needs.

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