August 14, 2023


Many people keep a box of earbuds next to their comb, cream and other daily essential items. They often resort to using these at least once a day to clean the wax inside their ears. However, inserting earbuds in your ear can be dangerous. These are designed to clean only the outside part of your ear, if required. In fact, ear wax is important for your ears. It captures dust, foreign particles, and microorganisms, preventing them from reaching the sensitive middle and inner ear. It also prevents the skin inside the ear canal from drying out and becoming irritated. If you too use earbuds regularly, here are some risks you may be inviting:

Earbuds may make things worse

Instead of ‘cleaning’ your ears, inserting earbuds into the ear canal can actually push ear wax deeper, which can increase your risk of blockage. Additionally, earbuds can cause micro-tears in the delicate skin of the ear canal. This can lead to irritation, inflammation, and even infection. 

Risks associated with blockage 

Improper use of earbuds can cause the wax to become tightly packed inside your ear, leading to a blockage. This can cause hearing loss, pain, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and dizziness. In case you experience any such condition, consult your doctor or an ENT specialist, instead of attempting to remove the blockage yourselves.

Risk of infection 

Inserting earbuds can introduce bacteria into the ear canal, leading to painful infections. Damaging the ear canal's protective yet sensitive lining with earbuds can also make it easier for bacteria to invade and cause infection.

Risk of hearing loss 

Mishandling earbuds can even damage the delicate structures responsible for hearing and balance in the inner ear. This can result in hearing loss, vertigo, and other balance-related issues.

Safer alternatives for maintaining ear hygiene 

In most cases, the ear's self-cleaning mechanism works effectively. So you do not need to do anything. Excess ear wax will usually migrate out of the ear canal on its own. If you do want to clean, gently wipe the external ear with a clean and damp cloth after taking a shower.

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