February 06, 2023

A biopsy can spread cancer": Myths oncologists wish you never believed

Cancer burden continues to increase worldwide. It is the second leading cause of death globally and claims more than 9.5 million lives annually.

Cancer awareness is essential to bring down the number of cancer deaths globally and for this purpose World Cancer Day is observed every year on February 4.

"World Cancer Day aims to prevent millions of deaths each year by raising awareness and education about cancer, and pressing governments and individuals across the world to take action against the disease," says the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC).

Dispelling myths and understanding the key symptoms of cancer are two of the most important ways to increase knowledge around cancer.

Myths are the encumbrances that widen the gap between cancer care and cancer patients

While there is so much medically supported information around cancer, in reality few of these reach the concerned people. Not just the lack of dissemination of information, belief in wrong information or myths widens the gap between advanced cancer treatment and the patients.

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"The common myths we doctors hear about cancer are: Cancer is cancel; Cancer is incurable; Cancer is lifelong," Dr Akash Shah, Senior Consultant, Department of Medical Oncology, Apollo Hospitals, Ahmedabad.

"Cancer is highly curable in the early stages (stages I & II). It can be cured lifelong in 80 to 90 % of early stages of cancer,' Dr Shah adds.

Myth: A biopsy can spread cancer

This is a myth, says Dr Shah and explains that a biopsy is mandatory in most cases of cancer for proper diagnosis and treatment plans. However, some cancers do not require a biopsy and direct surgery is possible.

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Biopsy is a medical process in which a small piece of tissue is taken from the body to test in the laboratory. People experiencing unexplainable signs and symptoms are recommended for biopsy in order to determine the issue.


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