September 01, 2020

Covid-19: What you need to know today

This column has often mentioned the similarities between the spread of the coronavirus disease

in the US and India, both geographically large and populous countries. The US is larger than

India; and India is more populous than the US. But there is a big difference — one that points

to a mystery in the Indian numbers.

Across US states, there is a significant similarity in terms of the number of cases per 100,000

people. The vast difference between the absolute number of cases in the US and India makes

comparisons difficult, but it is possible to look for similarities within the countries.

The difference (per 100,000 people; and from here on, wherever this column refers to cases it

is per 100,000 of the population) between the state ranked first (Louisiana) and the state ranked

20th is a third of the number of cases in the first. And many of the states in the top 10 (excluding

Louisiana) are clustered within 20% of the cases in the state with the second highest number

of cases, Florida. The difference between Louisiana and the state ranked 40th is 43% of the

number of cases in the former.

In India, Delhi is the city-state with the most number of cases per 100,000 people (875; this

analysis has excluded smaller states and Union Territories). It is followed by Andhra Pradesh

(813), Maharashtra (640), Tamil Nadu (557), Karnataka (510), and Telangana (330). The

difference per 100,000 cases between Delhi and Telangana is around 62% of the number of

cases in the former. The numbers drop off sharply after that.

Indeed, some of India’s most populous states figure towards the bottom of the list — West

Bengal, with 165 cases per 100,000; Bihar with 113; and Uttar Pradesh (100). At the national

level, India has 271 cases per 100,000 of the population. All numbers are from HT’s dashboard

as of Sunday night.

Testing explains some of this. For instance, India had tested 31,741 people per million of its

population till Sunday night. But Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal had tested only 24,404,

25913, and 19043 people per million respectively. In a country that is a laggard when it comes

to testing, these states are in the lower quartile in terms of tests per million. Among the 10

countries ranked by the most cases in the world, only Mexico tests fewer per million than India.

In the 20 countries ranked by the most cases, only four (Mexico, Argentina, Bangladesh and

Pakistan) test fewer people per million.

But testing doesn’t explain it all. On Sunday, for instance, Uttar Pradesh carried out the most

tests but its positivity rate was among the lowest—4.42%. Bihar’s was lower still (1.92%) and

it carried out the most tests after Uttar Pradesh. Even West Bengal’s, on a much lower base of

tests, was around 7%. In contrast, Tamil Nadu, which carried out the third highest number of

tests after Uttar Pradesh and Bihar on Sunday, saw a positivity rate of 7.8%. And Maharashtra,

which carried out the fourth highest number of tests, saw a positivity rate of 22%. Delhi saw a

positivity rate of 9.9%.

Among these states, Delhi has seen its positivity rate plunge (from highs in the early 30s to

lows in the 5-7% range) before it started climbing again. Tamil Nadu was an early convert to

the merits of aggressive testing, but while the positivity rate has come off its peaks, the state is

clearly on a long plateau. As for the rest, their positivity rates aren’t, in most part, seeing the

kind of trend that should be seen with more testing — a rise, a long plateau, and a fall.

Some of the disparity between Indian states can be explained by the first wave of infections

largely being restricted to the large urban centres. But this newspaper has written about how

that is changing with 55.3% of the cases in the third million (India ended Monday with 3.68

million cases) coming from rural districts. The mystery, then, is that large states such as Uttar

Pradesh, Bihar, and West Bengal are not seeing the kind of numbers they should.


The virus is relatively evenly spread in the US. The difference between Louisiana (the state

with most per-capita cases) and the state ranked 40th is 43% of the cases in the former. In India,

the gap in cases per 100,000 residents between Delhi, which has the most per-capita cases, and

Telangana is around 62%


India had tested 31,741 people per million till Sunday night. Among the 10 countries ranked

by the most cases in the world, only Mexico tests fewer per million than India


The disparity between India’s states can be explained by the first wave of infections largely

being restricted to urban centres. But that is changing as more than half the cases in the third

million have come from rural districts.

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