January 20, 2023

Top 10 effective yoga poses for cervical spondylosis

People are experiencing an alarming increase in illnesses of the neck and spine. The muscles in our bodies naturally deteriorate as we age. However, we may maintain our vitality and activity far into our later years with the right care, nutrition, exercise, and rest. We rarely use the full range of motion that our bodies are capable of. Physical inactivity causes widespread issues including cervical spondylitis and other conditions.

Himalayan Siddha Akshar, Yoga guru, Founder of Akshar Yoga Institutions, says, “The disorder known as cervical spondylitis or cervical spondylosis affects more than 85% of adults over 60. These neck and spine conditions are primarily brought on by bad lifestyle choices. This includes bad posture, inactivity, prolonged periods of inactivity, slouching or hunching when using a phone, etc. One of the main causes of stiffness in the neck and spine regions can be poor posture. Yoga is a holistic science created to help us in many areas of our lives to battle this. Yoga asanas, pranayama, meditation, mudras, and other yogic practices help the practitioner's physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.”

Try these yoga asanas for relief from cervical pain:


Formation of the Posture

Gently drop your knees down

Lift both arms upward

Look in between your palms

Keep your back straight

Sukhasana Variation 2

Start by sitting in any comfortable position such as sukhasana. Keep your back straight and extend your arms up with an inhale. Interlock your fingers and exhale as you place them behind your head. Hold this posture for 30 seconds.

Sukhasana Variation 3

Sitting in sukhasana, place your fingertips on your shoulders and make complete rotations front to back trying to touch your elbows each time in the front. Reverse the circular motion and repeat for another set rotating your shoulders the other way around.


Urdhva Mukhi Marjari Asana

Get down on your knees, place palms under shoulders and knees under hips

Inhale, curve your spine to look up

Adho Mukhi Marjari Asana

Exhale, curve your spine to form an arch of the back and allow your neck to drop down

Focus your gaze down


Formation of the Posture

Kneel on the yoga mat

Arch back and slide your palms over your feet till the arms are straight.

Keep your neck in a neutral position.

Stay in this posture for a couple of breaths.

Exhale back to the initial pose.

Hastha Uthanasana

Stand with your feet under your hips and raise both arms up. Do this as you inhale, then bend back with your arms extended. Keep your eyes open, and align your head in between your arms. Avoid bending the knees. Start with 30 degrees and slowly increase along with Sukshma Vyayam.


This causes stretching of the entire body. Legs, thighs, and knees become strong. Along with this, it makes the spinal cord flexible. To do this asana, first, stand upright and keep a distance of 6 inches between the two legs. After this, interlock the fingers of your two hands and pull your hands up slowly and lift the body with it.

Vajrasana-Savithriasana: Bring your knees on the floor and rescue pelvis on your skills to sit in vajrasana. From vajrasana lift your pelvis of the heels, straighten your back and lift both hands up looking up between your Palms. Repeat this movement a few times lifting up from vajrasana to savitri looking up and sitting back in vajrasana.



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