April 21, 2023

Is that a tumour in your brain? 5 often ignored risk factors of brain tumour

Is that a tumour in your brain? 5 often ignored risk factors of brain tumour

Tumours may be a life-changing diagnosis, leaving you feeling overwhelmed and helpless. Over the years there has been devastation caused by brain tumours on individuals and their families. While certain risk factors for brain tumours are well recognised, such as hereditary disorders, a family history of brain tumours, and ionising radiation exposure, there are other lesser-known variables that people should be aware of. Here are five frequently overlooked risk factors that might lead to an increased chance of getting a brain tumour. Knowing these characteristics can assist individuals in taking proactive efforts to reduce risk and preserve good health.

Cell phone use

There is concern that cell phone use could cause brain tumours. Even though there is no clear agreement, it is shown that excessive and prolonged mobile phone usage may increase the chance of getting a brain tumour. Although the exact mechanism by which mobile phone radiation might result in tumours is unknown, some suggestions suggest that it may be connected to both the heat produced by the phone and the radiation it has. Use a hands-free device or speakerphone whenever possible and minimise cell phone use to reduce potential dangers.

Exposure to certain chemicals

Exposure to certain chemicals, such as pesticides, solvents, and other industrial chemicals, has been linked to an increased risk of brain tumours. Those working in industries that involve exposure to these chemicals are at the greatest risk, but even those living near industrial areas may be at risk. It is important to take precautions to limit exposure, such as wearing protective clothing and using appropriate ventilation systems.

Diet and lifestyle factors

It has been suggested that certain lifestyle and diet factors may play a role in developing brain tumors. A diet high in saturated fat and low in fruits and vegetables can increase the risk of brain tumours. Obesity being overweight, not getting enough exercise and smoking have been linked to an increased risk of cancer. If you adopt a healthy lifestyle, including a balanced diet, avoiding smoking, regular exercise and excessive alcohol consumption, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.


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