April 13, 2023

Testicular cancer: Initial symptoms that people often don't pay attention to

Testicular cancer is a form of cancer that begins in the testicles, the organs that produce sperm and male hormones in men. Although it can happen to any man, it's more common in younger men between 15 and 35 years old. Knowing the early signs and symptoms of testicular cancer can help in detecting it early and getting prompt treatment.

Painless lump

Dr. Sanjay Gogoi, HOD and consultant - Urology, HCMCT Manipal Hospitals, Dwarka says, “One of the first signs of testicular cancer is a painless lump or swelling in one of the testicles. It is important to check for any changes in size, shape, or firmness of the testicles, as well as any unusual lumps or bumps.

Dull pain in groin

Sometimes the testicle can feel heavy or achy, or there might be a dull pain in the lower belly or groin. These symptoms should not be ignored and should be reported to the doctor.

Other symptoms of testicular cancer

Other symptoms can include a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum, a sudden collection of fluid around the testicle, or breast growth or tenderness. Some types of testicular cancer produce hormones that can cause these changes. Therefore, men should be aware of these symptoms and report them to their doctor as soon as possible.

Diagnosis of testicular cancer

"If a man experiences any of these symptoms or changes, it's important to talk to the doctor immediately. The doctor may perform a physical exam, blood tests and order an ultrasound or CT scan, to check for cancer.While testicular cancer can be alarming, it's important to remember that it's often curable if caught early," says Dr. Gogoi.

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